The Heraeus Noblelight part number PXR096 is a Photo Ionization Detector (PID) Lamp. This lamp has a 12.7 mm diameter, xenon fill gas and a photon energy of 9.6 eV. It is also know as part number 80017650. Lamp life time at ambient temperature is typically over 3000 hours. Heraeus Noblelight provides PID lamps for all leading instrument manufacturers, and for applications including gas chromatography, portable gas sniffers and sample ionization for mass spectrometry. Heraeus can also manufacture custom design PID lamps, available with a range of components: 1. Window materials such as magnesium fluoride, lithium fluoride, sapphire and synthetic silica 2. Fill gas options include Hydrogen, Xenon, Krypton, Deuterium, Argon and Mercury Vapor 3. DC operated and RF operated versions, with power supplies available for either. In general DC operation is the ideal for fixed-installation instruments such as Gas Chromatographs, where continuous monitoring is required without circuit power constraints. For hand-held detectors, RF versions provide the solution to demands for smaller size and low-power drive circuitry. 4. Unique dimensions to fit any instrument.